7 Easy Steps to Independence
With the development of independence in young children comes the development of patience for parents. In today’s world, we live fast...

Books Are So Important
It is all about exposing your child to printed words and spoken language. It is building your child's awareness of the relationship...

The Stage Is Set
The final curtain has been drawn on 2017 and now the stage has been set for yet another play, another year. The title 2018. I wonder...

I Want To Be A Good Parent
Throughout my teaching career, now expanding over 30 years, numerous discussions with parents have often focused on their desire to be a...

How To Find Out What Your Child Did At School Today!
Daily we ask our children the question, “What did you do at school today?” Without taking the time to process they quickly respond with...

Is Your Child Ready For Preschool?
That is the question. It is not always easy to send your 3 year old to preschool. It is a tough decision. Parents experience...

Unplug This Summer!
Yes! Summer is here and school is out. Now is the time to get unplugged, go outdoors, play and get your daily dose of Vitamin D. Put...

How To Increase Your Child's Intelligence
intelligence - Intelligence has been defined in many different ways including as one's capacity for logic, understanding, self-awareness,...

How To Increase Your Child's Vocabulary
How much should your toddler really know? Find out key milestones you need to be aware of and how to increase their vocabulary.

7 Things to Prepare your Child for School!
Let your child be a part of the process. Give them an active role in the preparation for the first few days of class. Having that bit...